So this tutorial is for you to know how to play your Blum so for you to play Blum you need telegram so this is my telegram you can see this one here I click so when you when you on telegram it will show you different platforms so you can just come to your search and click on Blum okay then once you are here you now click on launch.
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Bloom you wait for it to come up it's coming up so it's up now if you look at this place you see farming that means my farming is still in progress and I have 7 hours 22 minutes then here is for you to play games so you have to come back and be checking this is my current balance then here you have task there are different task for you to to get so like boost Blum if I click on this one now I don't know what this is going to say all right you can
see you can see the are different level here I don't know so I'm not boosting anything for now I don't want anything to clear my
balance all right that's for that so you can see uh task again farming Point I've claimed this one join Discord I've not join this call okay and you can see every other task here I've cleared it okay so I'm supposed to claim this and also work on this now let's come to friends how many people have I invited so two of our members are here for me inviting friends so I can claim so I've claimed my point for inviting my friends so you two go and invite your friend so I've invited three people and Ric wealth is really pushing High all right so let's go back you can see now that um when you come back to Launch
you can see
here please hold don't for it to load okay so you can see here now it has added to my point so please just take it serious I'm not um always having much time to do this but once in a while I just come around and and do it but if you have the time to do this please just put your energy and do it it cost you nothing if you have the time and use this trick set a reminder on your phone like this thing now this is 7 hours 20 minutes I will just go to my phone reminder or alarm I'll calculate 7 hours 20 minutes or I can just speak to my phone to set a reminder for 7 hours 20 minutes once it's 7 hours 20 minutes it will remind me to go and play my Blum then I come over here to play so and that's how we are accumulating points so let me know what you think in the comment section or you can send me a private message for assistance cheers guys.
Blum on Telegram, Telegram games, Earning points on Blum, Completing tasks on Blum, Inviting friends on Blum, Setting reminders on Blum, Telegram tutorial, Blum tutorial, Earning money online, Online games, Telegram games tutorial, Blum games tutorial, Earning points online, Completing tasks online, Inviting friends online, Setting reminders online, how to play blum, how to play blum game on telegram, how to play blum telegram, how to play bloom on telegram, blum telegram, blum how to play, how to play blum in telegram, telegram blum, blum in telegram, how to play telegram, afterland telegram, bloom telegram, blum game hack, blum game telegram, blum on telegram, blum summer quest, blum tribe chat, how to blum play, how to connect blum to wallet, how to join blum tribe, how to join tribe in blum, how to mine blum on telegram, how to mine game on telegram, how to play blum for beginners, how to play blum game, how to play major on telegram, how to use blum in telegram, telegram blum game
- #BlumOnTelegram
- #BloomOnTelegram
- #TelegramGames
- #EarningPointsOnBlum
- #CompletingTasksOnBlum
- #InvitingFriendsOnBlum
- #SettingRemindersOnBlum
- #TelegramTutorial
- #BlumTutorial
- #EarningMoneyOnline
- #OnlineGames
- #TelegramGamesTutorial
- #BlumGamesTutorial
- #EarningPointsOnline
- #CompletingTasksOnline
- #InvitingFriendsOnline
- #SettingRemindersOnline
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