Thursday, August 22, 2024

Attention UGC sellers on Fiverr

As UGC Creator on Fiverr who is not sure what to put in the PDF section of your gig stay tuned I got you covered most of the time ugc creators on Fiverr just simply leave the PDF section blank but if you're leaving those sections blank you could be potentially missing out on an opportunity to sell yourself to the potential client instead here are some ideas number one you can create a social proof document in canva and Export it as PDF.

Like this this is where I have the list of all of my previous clients I've worked with also let the potential clients know what it's like to work with you by attaching a document like this create a photo collage just like I have here you can also create another photo collage just like this you can even create a document which showcases different types of analytics and sales data that you have obtained from doing UGC.

The point here is to make it as easy as possible for the client to look at your gig look at the media attached in your gig and say oh this is a no-brainer I want to work with this Creato.

Think about different questions that a potential client may have for you and try to answer those questions in your gig descriptions in the images in your introductory video and of course in the PDFs.

If you have questions on how to work on Fiverr as a ugc Creator drop them in the comments right here give me a follow to learn how to start grow and scale ugc business and I'm here to help you guys succeed regardless of the platform on which you're doing ugc on Fiverr or others.
UGC , Fiverr, Fiverr seller, selling on Fiverr, UGC on fiverr

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