Friday, August 30, 2024

Traditional Marketing Vs Digital Marketing

Welcome to my channel my name is Joseph

Today we'll be looking into traditional marketing versus digital marketing I will be looking into ways we can you know make use of this marketing strategies to drafting more sales into our businesses so you've probably heard a lot about traditional marketing and digital marketing and you've been wondering should you settle for one or should you adopt both but anyway by the end of this video you'll know the right thing to do so let's dive in and let's see what we have ahead

all right so I have a table of content here I'll be looking into what is traditional marketing understanding the basics of traditional marketing we'll also be looking into what is digital marketing they know the images of digital marketing and its importance to entrepreneurs we also be looking into the major similarities between digital marketing and traditional marketing what are the similarities between these two marketing uh strategy and lastly we'll be looking into the major difference between traditional marketing and digital marketing okay you know we are in the 21st century and everybody keeps saying things like digital marketing here digital marketing there but you need to know with the images of digital marketing very traditional marketing and how can you possibly harness the power of these two marketing strategies to build your brand and make your product more available to your potential buyers to buy all these are things we'll be looking into in today's um training so let's go to the main content of our training

okay so here we are traditional marketing versus digital marketing now Maybe this is your first time getting to know what traditional marketing is this training is to provide you with in-depth understanding about traditional marketing and its relevance in the 21st century alongside with digital marketing is traditional marketing really obsolete or up to date are you are you are you trying to see a situation where you only settle for traditional marketing or you settle only for digital marketing so we really want to know and the best way to do that is to compare both try the marketing strategies and see what it has for us is traditional marketing really up and um what are the things we stand to gain when we use traditional marketing why should an entrepreneur opt for digital marketing instead of traditional marketing what are the cost implications and customer retention capacity so these are the things we will be looking into in a few moments from now let's go all right so I know you are familiar with all these socials it's traditional marketing relevant and effective for running a business without digital marketing

you're on WhatsApp you're on LinkedIn you're on Instagram you're on Facebook you're on Twitter are all these enough

is this all what marketing entails can your business survive or thrive on all these socials so let's see digital marketing so now what is digital marketing yes a simple definition to that digital marketing also called online marketing is the promotion of brands to connect with potential customers using the internet and other forms of digital means or channels digital marketing and inbound marketing as kind of synonymous sub call it digital some call it inbound because there is another side to digital marketing which is inbound marketing digital marketing and inbound marketing are easily confused and for good reasons many people feel like it's just the same thing maybe just a name different but yes it is there digital marketing uses many of the same tools as inbound marketing email and online content to name a few both exist to capture the attention of prospects through the buyer's journey and turn them into customers if you watch the last video we talked about um funnel funnel creating sales funnel so that's what this is talking about that it helps the buyer on a journey when the buyer engages with your product the buyer is on a journey and the end of that journey is for the buyer to buy your product but this two approaches take different view of the relationship between the tools and goals so we are going to see how they uh separate from each other now see digital marketing considers how individual tools or digital channels can convert a prospect to a buyer a Brand's digital marketing strategy may use multiple platform or Focus all of its efforts on one platform you know there are some people they settle for promotion on Instagram only some people settle for promotion on Twitter only if you try to bring them to Instagram they will not apply so for example a company May primarily create content for social media platform and email marketing campaigns why ignoring other digital marketing Avenues and why is this so it is simply because most companies or entrepreneurs always go after this digital marketing platform the social platform that really converts so let's say you have up to like seven socials and out of these cells such as Facebook happens to be the one bringing in lots of customers for you maybe because you haven't mastered other social platforms quite well so they tend to settle down for Facebook only so this applies to many entrepreneurs out there and organization which is logical because you cannot really be putting in your effort on a social platform that is not giving you results you have bills to pay you need to generate income and you know a whole lot of things like that so many entrepreneurs settle for the social media platform that is bringing the customer the most fantastic part of digital marketing now what is inbound marketing inbound marketing is a strategic approach to creative valuable content that aligns with the needs of your target audience and inspires a long-term customer relationship your customers are your customer because you provide solutions to your problems so inbound marketing is a holistic concept it considers the goals first then looks at the available tools to determine which will be effective in reaching the target audience and it also States the sales funnel and it looks at what happens with that sales funnel as an example let's say you want to boost a website traffic to generate more prospects and leads you can focus on search engine optimization SEO When developing your content and marketing strategy resulting in more optimized content including blogs landing pages and many more so as you can see inbound marketing is more about SEO Concepts why digital marketing on the other hand is more about content creation

inbound marketing focus on search engine optimization what are the things you can do to drive organic traffic to your blog to your website or to your email funnels why digital marketing focuses on content creation content you can put out there that we attract your potential buyers so now you know more about inbound marketing and digital marketing so let's go on so what are the similarities between traditional marketing and digital marketing don't forget we are still looking into traditional marketing and digital marketing now they both have the same overall goal which is to attract consumers to the products you are selling in order to get more sales in addition they both follow the four piece of marketing or maybe the seven piece of marketing the major goal is for the product to get to the hands of the buyer the consumer does does it similarity

so we want to use this method to appreciate you for watching so far please take your time to you know subscribe to this channel give you a thumbs up now the differences the differences the main differences between digital and traditional marketing is the medium through which an audience encounters a marketing message why traditional marketing uses traditional media like magazine and newspapers you know Flyers billboard Etc but digital marketing uses digital media such as social media and websites so for the traditional marketing you have newspaper you have magazine you have radio station you have TV station you have Billboards you have Flyers you have posters and the list continues many entrepreneurs do not really uh consider this aspect they they tend to see it like obsolete but if they are obsolete why are they still existing let's go

now what are the other platform that composes of the digital marketing so the main difference between digital marketing and traditional marketing is the medium to which an audience Encounters in marketing message why traditional marketing uses traditional media like magazine and newspapers digital marketing uses digital media such as the social media and the website so we have the Facebook we have the Twitter we have the online radio or TV station we have Instagram we have WhatsApp we have Snapchat we have Tick Tock we have chingari we have so many other you know social media platforms out there so should you use both or you should stick to one now the question on if you are to use both or stick to one solely depends on you the most important thing is to remember that digital marketing and transistor marketing are in existence to help you make a sale in fact they work best together there are a lot of people online and traditional marketing apps in that aspect for offline sorry there are a lot of people offline and traditional marketing apps in that aspect offline also there are billions of people online and digital marketing helps in that aspect as well knowing how to combine both effectively will lead to success in marketing and generating sales so this is the point where you now decide either to use both or to stick to whichever one brings your results the most now in conclusion any type of marketing can help your business to thrive however digital marketing has become increasingly important because of how accessible digital channels are in fact there were 5 billion internet users globally in April 2022 alone now this is where digital marketing supersede or shows a strength above traditional marketing let's give an instance now let's say you want to throw up an event in Lagos State and you decide to use a newspaper or a magazine that is popular in Lagos State yes that can go in circulation and a lot of people we possibly see your advert in that magazine but do you know that there may be people who reside in Lagos but at that moment of that publication they are in other states maybe like Kano Abuja Port Harcourt you know they are in in other parts of the country Benin ibadan you know but immediately they see your adverts online maybe on Facebook on Instagram they can decide to travel down to Lagos because of that event but that will not be possible for traditional marketing concepts if you are using Magazine on newspaper because your magazine or newspaper have to go to those States before they can see them the digital marketing takes the advert to your potential buyers wherever they are in any part or corner of the world so I want to use this medium to appreciate you for taking to my channel I'm watching this video to this very moment thank you for watching please leave a comment in the comment section Below on what you think about this topic kindly subscribe like and share this video to empower others it's like always next time I say keep having a great day ahead bye for now.

traditional marketing,online marketing,marketing,advertising,design,comnez,Traditional marketing,Digital marketing,Marketing strategies,Business growth,Entrepreneurship,Online marketing,Offline marketing,Marketing channels,Target audience,Business goals,Marketing mix,Four Ps of marketing,Seven Ps of marketing,Marketing message,Medium,Online channels,Offline channels,Local audience,Wider audience,Accessibility,Digital age,Marketing dilemma

How to play Blum on Telegram

So this tutorial is for you to know how to play your Blum so for you to play Blum you need telegram so this is my telegram you can see this one here I click so when you when you on telegram it will show you different platforms so you can just come to your search and click on Blum okay then once you are here you now click on launch.

Bloom you wait for it to come up it's coming up so it's up now if you look at this place you see farming that means my farming is still in progress and I have 7 hours 22 minutes then here is for you to play games so you have to come back and be checking this is my current balance then here you have task there are different task for you to to get so like boost Blum if I click on this one now I don't know what this is going to say all right you can

see you can see the are different level here I don't know so I'm not boosting anything for now I don't want anything to clear my

balance all right that's for that so you can see uh task again farming Point I've claimed this one join Discord I've not join this call okay and you can see every other task here I've cleared it okay so I'm supposed to claim this and also work on this now let's come to friends how many people have I invited so two of our members are here for me inviting friends so I can claim so I've claimed my point for inviting my friends so you two go and invite your friend so I've invited three people and Ric wealth is really pushing High all right so let's go back you can see now that um when you come back to Launch

you can see

here please hold don't for it to load okay so you can see here now it has added to my point so please just take it serious I'm not um always having much time to do this but once in a while I just come around and and do it but if you have the time to do this please just put your energy and do it it cost you nothing if you have the time and use this trick set a reminder on your phone like this thing now this is 7 hours 20 minutes I will just go to my phone reminder or alarm I'll calculate 7 hours 20 minutes or I can just speak to my phone to set a reminder for 7 hours 20 minutes once it's 7 hours 20 minutes it will remind me to go and play my Blum then I come over here to play so and that's how we are accumulating points so let me know what you think in the comment section or you can send me a private message for assistance cheers guys.

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- #BlumOnTelegram
- #BloomOnTelegram
- #TelegramGames
- #EarningPointsOnBlum
- #CompletingTasksOnBlum
- #InvitingFriendsOnBlum
- #SettingRemindersOnBlum
- #TelegramTutorial
- #BlumTutorial
- #EarningMoneyOnline
- #OnlineGames
- #TelegramGamesTutorial
- #BlumGamesTutorial
- #EarningPointsOnline
- #CompletingTasksOnline
- #InvitingFriendsOnline
- #SettingRemindersOnline

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